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Mission & Vision

We are a community of Christians committed to worshiping Jesus, loving one another, and seeking the good of the Twin Cities.

Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus, just like he told us to do.

Our vision is to plant more churches in these Twin Cities.


We are joyfully centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ and committed to the biblical doctrines and values expressed in our Membership Affirmation of Faith and our Membership Covenant.

Our pastors and deacons affirm the Leader Affirmation of Faith, a statement that traces its roots to the 1689 London Baptist Confession.

What we believe →


Every Lord’s Day, at 10:00am, we gather for worship at our building, at 1524 Summit Avenue.

Our worship service lasts about 90 minutes and follows a God-centered liturgy. We rehearse the gospel in five steps: call to worship, confession of sin, preaching of God’s Word, sharing communion, and Spirit-led commissioning.

More about Sundays →


Central to our Sunday liturgy is the reading and explanation of God’s word, in the power of the Holy Spirit, applied to the hearts and lives of Christians.

We practice expositional team preaching — each week, our pastors take turns opening and expounding the meaning of Scripture verse by verse.

See sermons →


We are made up of over 20 Community Groups spread throughout the Twin Cities metro, each group meeting regularly for mutual discipleship and encouragement.

Within these larger groups are smaller Life Groups, groups of men or women who devote time for heart-level conversation and accountability.

Learn more →


Church membership is the formal relationship between a local church and an individual Christian: the church commits to overseeing the Christian’s discipleship, and the Christian submits to living out his or her faith under the care and accountability of the church.

More about membership →


Our church is ruled by the covenant membership and led by a team of pastor-elders.

In addition to our pastoral team, we have several deacons, deaconesses, and staff who serve our church every day.

Meet our leaders →


Connect Events

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