Around the Corner of '20

Dear Church, 

In this season of waiting, I figured it’d be a good time to write a short overview of what’s around the corner.

As you know, we finish our series in Titus this upcoming Sunday, concluding our full series through the Pastoral Epistles that began with 1 Timothy in January 2019. 

On Sunday, December 27, we’ll have a special Christmastime sermon from Pastor Nick Aufenkamp, who will be transitioning off the pastoral team the end of this year. The Aufenkamps are planning to relocate to the northwest in the spring, and  Pastor Nick will still lead worship a couple times in ’21, but I’m really excited to have him open God’s word next Sunday. 

Then it’s New Year, new series. Beginning January 3 I’ll kick off a seven-part series in the Book of Revelation, walking through the seven churches. The seven churches in Revelation have been called the interpretive key for the entire book, and I’m thrilled (and a little trepidatious) for us to dig into this together. There will be gold.

Next, at the end of February, we’ll be doing a six-part series on our mission and vision, and where God is leading us as a church. We’re titling this series “Rooted” and the plan is to call our entire membership to engage our future — to be rooted here — and to rally together in generosity to improve our building and invest in more fruitful ministry.

More Highlights

There are a few other important things coming up: 

Our Annual Meeting

On Sunday, January 10 we’ll have our annual meeting. This is where we’ll vote on our ’21 ministry budget and also vote to affirm two pastoral nominees, Kenny Ortiz and Ryan Griffith. You’ve have a chance to connect with these brothers the past month, and another chance coming up tomorrow with Ryan (9am in the conference room). 

New Member Directory

Additionally, the staff is working to launch a new member directory. This is something for covenant members only, and you have to choose to opt-in. For several months the pastoral team has wanted some kind of directory that connects unmasked faces with names. And here it is. Check it out and sign up!

Christmas Eve Together

Now, lastly, we have our Christmas Eve gathering coming up this Thursday, 4:00pm–5:00pm. This is always a sweet time together as we celebrate the entry into Christmastime. I’m looking forward to it!

in hope,
Pastor Jonathan

Jonathan Parnell

JONATHAN PARNELL is the lead pastor of Cities Church in Saint Paul, MN.


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